mercoledì 8 agosto 2012



                    Quando l'iobò decise di intrallappezzare l'ito
                                                        ci fu lepperamente un aurino e difoso ululio
                          ma, l'ito non si rimonì e fece  dell'iobò.. un dito!
                                                                  così lo sfidante si esse cosi tanto da tupitrificare un liopioliopio!
            arbellaccia se fu forte e imerante quel piolato
                                                                              le ume a poca tina rimpettavano le bitacce
                                                           e sbutivano i bitilli da quel fervorato
                                               ma quando quandunque si passò alle minacce
              si duprevessero tutte le gaccie e le borraccie
                                                               rimana fatta e strupulata tutti luppero guiosi e terpenti
              ma l'aRrRrRrRrRrR della tulla si fumo tra le gentili
                         e quando quandunque essi scopulevano senza mentigli
                                         tuppio detto anche il tuppioso si fuco la iume
                  e fubuto la sica finfino che tuppio e i tuppiosi si ferebeffessero
                                                                tutti i gentili della gentela che, essendo gentagliana...GENTO'!

giovedì 17 maggio 2012


Let's name it the KFTBL!
That is what allows us to do the things we're supposed to do.
And what are we supposed to do?
We must be happy and Believe  our conditions will get better and better  just because we Think about it and we Know it will be like we Feel because it's the only way to Live.
This is kind of a law, nothing will happen if we don't believe that change is possible because "changement c'est mainenant" like the french Premier would say.
The KFTBL makes us behave  in a certain way that will make other people behave like we do.
Is there a strength stronger than Will?
Of course not!Because we're strong and we can do whatever we want if we really want it.
This is not a utopic speech or a rethorical oration.
This is reality!
Now start feel happy and grateful for the things you have already and think that the things that you desire are real.
You will certainly have those things such as peace,happiness,justice or even a new bycicle and you will be glad without hurting other's sensibility or destroying the goals of the people around you!
Listen a song! and hurry up! Life is now! Spread love among all the things you touch!

giovedì 9 febbraio 2012

What makes us HAPPY...

Everyday we complain because our life should be different or the world around us doesn't help us to reach our goals. What I think is that the real obstacle that precludes us to reach  what we want is our will.
I'm sure that among you there's none who really does what he wants to do with his life, who's really committed to do something and sometimes is chained by the laziness.
Before giving up saying that is someone else's fault or the reality doesn't allow us to obtain what we fight for we must increase our efforts to make us and our world the best ever seen.
That is what makes us really happy, when things work as we want them to work and we are the person we want to be.
Let's begin to act following what we believe, every single moment of our daily life.
Are you annoyed by the badness of people? Begin now to be kind to the others.
Are you offended by the generalization and the cruelty of capitalism? Start to exclude yourself from its vortex?
Do you want to be better? Start to improve your personality or to make sport.
 And you ( I mean we) will se that the happiness won't be seeked anymore but found in everything  you obtain! ... GO!
